Monday, June 28, 2010

Movie in Review-Remember Me(2010)

I think it is fitting that my first movie review on this blog has to be about a movie that moved me...pun intended. I think any movie that evokes an emotional or physical response is worth watching. I had no intention of seeing this movie. I have a real tendency to judge a movie by its poster. When I saw the name Robert Pattinson that was enough to simply forget about this movie. And I did. We randomly chose this movie in an effort to just put something on the TV. Low and behold a diamond in the ruff emerges, from the same director of Hollywoodland we see a character driven story. A story that slowly and elegantly gives us dynamic individuals. There are lies, loneliness, love and life(alliteration). Life is the most important character in the story. I think it is cool how every actor is basically a caricature of emotions. I especially appreciated the build up at the end. This movie will put your heart in your stomach in the last 10 minutes and then you will digest the reality of life at the end. My only criticism is the director wasn't bold enough to take the shock to the next level. I won't spoil the end but I think this movie is worth watching just for the reveal of circumstance. I will give credit where credit is due Robert Pattinson is a great actor, and I will make sure to only judge the Twilight Saga not the actors who are in it. I will always remember you, Remember Me.


  1. It really was a great movie. Good review, Paul! :D

  2. I like it too! The end made my eyes tear up. Great wording in the review you have a way with words ;o)

  3. well said old chap well said lol pro movie critic :D
